My current research interests focus on machine learning and statistical methodologies using theories and techniques from Functional Analysis and related mathematical fields. In particular, I have been working on theories and methods involving reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS), Riemannian geometry, Matrix and Operator Theory, Information Geometry, and Optimal Transport, especially in the Infinite-Dimensional setting.
I received my PhD in mathematics from Brown University (Providence, RI, USA) and wrote my dissertation under the supervision of Stephen Smale. Before joining RIKEN, I was a researcher at the Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision group at the Italian Institute of Technology (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) in Genoa (Genova), Italy. Prior to Italy, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, Austria, and the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.
February 2025: I gave an invited talk at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute Thematic Program on Infinite-Dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vienna, Austria
December 2024: I gave an invited talk at the Joint Meeting of the New Zealand, Australian, and American Mathematical Societies, Special Session on Recent Developments in Data Science and Machine Mearning, Auckland, New Zealand
December 2024: I gave an invited talk at the Sydney Workshop on the Mathematics of Data Science, University of Sydney, Australia
Otober 2024: My work is featured in the Nature Where I Work series
H.Q. Minh Fisher–Rao geometry of equivalent Gaussian measures on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, Information Geometry, June 2024
H.Q. Minh Infinite-dimensional distances and divergences between positive definite operators, Gaussian measures, and Gaussian processes, May 2024, Special Issue: Half a Century of Information Geometry, Part 2 (by invitation)
H.Q. Minh Fisher-Rao Riemannian Geometry of Equivalent Gaussian Measures on Hilbert Space, Geometric Science of Information, 2023, extended arxiv version
H.Q. Minh. Convergence and finite sample approximations of entropic regularized Wasserstein distances in Gaussian and RKHS settings, Analysis and Applications, 2023
H.Q. Minh. Entropic regularization of Wasserstein distance between infinite-dimensional Gaussian measures and Gaussian processes, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2022
H.Q. Minh. Finite sample approximations of exact and entropic Wasserstein distances between covariance operators and Gaussian processes, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 2022
H.Q. Minh Alpha Procrustes metrics between positive definite operators: A unifying formulation for the Bures-Wasserstein and Log-Euclidean/Log-Hilbert-Schmidt metrics, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2022
H.Q. Minh. Regularized Divergences Between Covariance Operators and Gaussian Measures on Hilbert Spaces, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2020
H.Q. Minh. Infinite-dimensional Log-Determinant divergences between positive definite Hilbert–Schmidt operators, Positvity, 2020
H.Q. Minh. Alpha-Beta Log-Determinant Divergences Between Positive Definite Trace Class Operators, Information Geometry, 2019
(Book) H.Q. Minh and V. Murino. Covariances in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Springer Synthesis Lectures in Computer Vision, 2018
H.Q. Minh. Infinite-dimensional Log-Determinant divergences between positive definite trace class operators, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2017
H.Q. Minh, L. Bazzani, V. Murino. A Unifying Framework in Vector-valued Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for Manifold Regularization and Co-Regularized Multi-view Learning, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2016
NeurIPS 2025: Area Chair
ICML 2025: Area Chair
CVPR 2025: Area Chair
ICLR 2025: Area Chair
NeurIPS 2024: Area Chair
QTML 2024 (Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning): Steering Committee and Program Committee member October 2024: I gave a talk at ENSEA, Cergy Paris University
August 2024: I gave a talk at the 8th NUS-ISM-ZIB-IIR-MODAL Workshop on Next Generation Computing and Algorithms in the Digital Era, National University of Singapore
May 2024: I gave a talk at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
May 2024: I gave a talk at the Hong Kong Baptist University/RIKEN-AIP Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Hong Kong
May 2024: I co-organized a gave a talk at the Second RIKEN-AIP/IIT(Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Tokyo
March 2024: I co-organized and gave a talk at the worshop DEEP LEARNING: Theory, Applications, and Implications (DL 2024) in Tokyo
March 2024: I co-organized the First RIKEN-AIP Retreat in Tokyo
ECCV 2024: Area Chair
ICML 2024: Area Chair
ICLR 2024: Area Chair
QTML 2023 (Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning): Steering Committee and Program Committee member
August 2023: I gave an invited talk at the minisymposium Geometric methods in machine learning and data analysis at the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023), in Tokyo, Japan
June 2023: I gave an invited talk at the workshop DEEP LEARNING: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications (DL 2023), in Trento, Italy
May 2023: I gave a tutorial talk at the Second European Summer School on Quantum AI (EQAI 2023), in Udine, Italy
NeurIPS 2023: Area Chair
ICML 2023: Area Chair
September 2022: I gave an invited talk at IG4DS (International Conference on Information Geometry for Data Science)
NeurIPS 2022: Area Chair
QTML 2022: Steering Committee and Program Committee member
ICML 2022: Meta-reviewer (Area Chair)
ICLR 2022: Area Chair
AISTATS 2022: Area Chair
QTML 2021 (Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning): Main Organizer
I can be reached by email at minh dot haquang at the domain